Friday, 20 July 2012

Phase Gate Process

Phase–gate process

·         Project management technique in which an initiative or project (e.g., new product development, process improvement, business change) is divided into stages (or phases) separated by gates.

·         At each gate, the continuation of the process is decided by (typically) a manager or a steering committee.

·         The decision is based on the information available at the time, including the business case, risk analysis, and availability of necessary resources (e.g., money, people with correct competencies)

These points are referred to as

  • Phase exits,
  • milestones,
  • Phase gates,
  • Decision gates,
  • Stage gates,
  • Kill points.

Kill Point   

·         It is this point in time during the execution phase of the project that the stakeholders or the sponsor decide to kill the project (meaning the project no longer exists, and all work on that project should immediately stop).

·         Killing a project usually happens when the project is draining more money and time than expected, while at the same time, the resulting product is no longer thought to bring an ROI that will compensate for all the extra work and money.

Photo Courtsy :- PM Corner - Phase Gate Reviews by Christine Hetzel @

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